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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make

Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make

By: Steve Bennett
Question: What do many new spokespeople at technology companies have in common? Answer: they make similar mistakes and fall into similar traps.
Based on my experience as a media trainer, the most common ones include:

1. Misunderstanding the Media.
Too many spokespeople confuse PR opportunities with free advertising. Ouch! No reporter, editor, or host wants to be a billboard for your products or service; their job is to provide interesting and useful information to their readers or audience. And if you help them do so, you'll maximize your chances of positive coverage.

2. Misunderstanding the Spokesperson Role.
Some spokespeople think that they're on a sales call when they meet the press. So they toss out puffery and hyperbole or try to "close on the objection." Then they become frustrated by the "poor" coverage, if any, that they receive. The key is simple: inform, don't sell.

3. Lacking Message Points.
At first blush, it might seem that telling spokespeople to have message points is as obvious as telling them to wear clothes during an interview. But in fact, many spokespeople do arrive metaphorically naked for interviews - bereft of key message points. Deliver several strong messages well, and you might just see them in print or on the air.

4. Unleashing a Core Dump.
When spokespeople feel the need to educate the interviewer about everything that could be known about their products, services, or companies, the interview loses focus. An effective spokesperson knows when to cut to the chase and assess what level of detail the interviewer is seeking.

5. Over-Answering.
Most inexperienced spokespeople don't know when to stop talking. By babbling on, they increase their chances of being misquoted or driving the interview off-topic. Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - keep answers short and to the point.

6. Failing to Listen.
A guaranteed way to irritate an interviewer is to interrupt or finish his or her questions. You need to establish a rapport and communicate respectfully - just as you would with a colleague.

7. Speaking in Jargon.
It's often tough for spokespeople to adjust their technical level to that of the interviewer. But it's also critical. If you talk over the interviewer's head, you'll decrease the chances of an accurate write up; if you "dumb down" the information for a technologically-sophisticated interviewer, you'll likewise decrease the chances of getting the kind of coverage you desire.

8. Missing the "So What?"
Too often, spokespeople focus on the intricacies of their technology and forget that ultimately, the game is about offering a better value proposition for your customers. Demonstrate how your products and services solve your customers' problems and help them achieve their goals.

9. Trashing Competitors.
Spokespeople can easily lose credibility if they boast about overthrowing the 800-pound gorilla in their market space. Far better to talk about the unique features and advantages of your offerings and how you plan to increase market share. In short, take the high road when it comes to competitors - you'll do more to increase your chances of obtaining the good press you deserve.

10. Playing Tug of War.
Some spokespeople believe that they need to come across as "tough," so that they can control the interview through intimidation. Bad idea; you might win a battle or two, but you'll still lose the war. Victory goes to he or she who controls the ink. So be a smart player and check your ego at the door. Are there other mistakes spokespeople can make during an interview? Sure. But if they can avoid the "Big Ten," they'll maximize their chances of a successful experience with the media.
Author Bio
Steve Bennett is a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based media trainer who specializes in helping spokespeople of technology and science companies deliver effective strategic messages to: the trade, business, and consumer media; analysts; stakeholders; and the public. You can reach him at or by calling 617-492-0442.
Article Source: - Free Website Content


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Marketing to Multiply Results of Your Advertising

How to Use Magnetic Marketing to Massively Multiply the Results of Your Advertising

By: Carina MacInnes
It works without fail, every time. It can work with everything you are selling or promoting. It works on the principle of giving before receiving, and of offering more in value than you are getting in cash. Your prospect must perceive an increase for themselves in order to want to interact with you. Magnetic marketing is the technique that does this. Then this same technique is used to convert a prospect to a sale or business partner.

What is magnetic marketing? It is a process of attracting leads to you by offering them something of value first. Using ezine classified advertising and solo ads for an example, don't try to close the deal all at once by attempting to drive your prospect to your website. Instead, start by giving the targeted prospect an offer they can't refuse.

Using my own business ad copy as an example, here is an ad I ran before I had put the magnetic marketing technique together for this business that is an example of NON magnetic marketing:

Catch the Buzz - Discover Revolutionary Health and Wealth!
As seen on TV Superfood is now yours to use and make $$ with
Low cost! No personal sponsoring to make money! No minimum!
Weekly Pay, 100% Matching Bonus, 2x7 matrix, Incredible Team
Visit and learn more right now:

Admittedly, the ad copy is not my best, written off the cuff right when I had started with this new company. However this kind of advertising can and does work, don't get me wrong! The thing is, it is only a trickle of results compared to the massive results you can get by incorporating magnetic marketing into your business model.

The main problem with this and so many other ads is: they all really want the prospect to get excited and 'click here' without offering anything in return to really motivate them.

For about $50 my ad ran and is right now still running to about 6 million ezine subscribers - with an audience that is mostly small business and internet related. I got and am still getting that trickle of results.

Now how about transforming it into a magnetic marketing campaign?

Take that same $50 and micro-target your audience. Since my company pays quite well with retail sales I could find health-related ezines. Then you can either purchase classified ads or solos. Even with a small subscriber base of two or three thousand, you will get a lot of leads and sales. Your new magnetic marketing will now have ad copy reading something more like this:

Did you know Free Radicals Accelerate Aging and Cause Cancer?
Discover everything you NEED to know about the massive damage
they cause, & the most essential antioxidants needed to fight them.
Learn little known secrets of health, anti-aging and disease
prevention in this free e-course:

(If you like, you can subscribe, the email address and series are real).

What makes this ad now magnetic is that instead of trying to 'make the sale' of even driving your prospect to your website right away, your prospect now has the drive to contact you. In doing this, they become your lead.

They want to receive valuable information on a topic that interests them. They are plugged into your autoresponder and at the bottom of each valuable article in the series you send them, you drive them to your website. They now see you as a valuable provider of information and are more inclined to visit your website and do business with you.

Magnetic marketing works in any type of business or niche category. Give it a try. Put together some relevant content and make a valuable series for your prospects to subscribe to. Your business provides the solution to someone's problem. Create a series of informative articles, reports, or ebooks that provides in depth information on the problem and solution.

Create an ad that addresses that problem, and propels the prospect to obtain the vital information you will give them for free that is the solution to their problem. Apply this to your marketing campaigns - by offering something of value to your prospects your magnetic marketing will massively multiply your advertising responses, leads and sales.
Author Bio
Carina MacInnes is a writer and small business owner. She offers a customized model of magnetic marketing for her partners to copy. Her unique product has the most powerful natural Brazilian antioxidants and nutrients for anti-aging and revitalized health. For info on how to make money using and distributing this product, click here:
Article Source: - Free Website Content


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There are 2 elements involved in attaining a magnet personality. The first is your ability to draw in people. The second is your accessibility, the extent to which others perceive you as being open. Together, these 2 qualities create a positive attitude, one of the top traits of a master marketer. Together, they influence how magnetic you are for your business. 



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Monday, 29 April 2013

What Is The Big 'R' For Marketing Your Business ?

What Is The Big 'R' For Marketing Your Business ?

By: Chad McDonald
Successful businesses have many things in common, today we'll look at the big 'R'of recognition and how a digital advertising network may help.

Recognition can be illustrated by two individuals entering a crowded room at a party. Both walk to the far side of the room, one of them slips through the crowd easily and unnoticed as they reach the far side. The second person takes much longer to reach the far side because they are engaged in conversations along the way as they continue to meet acquaintances and friends during their path. Which type of person would you like to model your business after?

Your business is in a continual battle for your customers' recognition whether you know it or not. If you happen to be fortunate enough to be in a marketplace with very few competitors, that will not last for long. You need your business to be at the forefront of your client's minds so that when they require your products or services, you are the go-to people.

Marketing your business is a necessity. Putting your name and logo out there and keeping it there is a must. This lets clients know that you are "still around" and in business. Frequency is a good way to achieve the "stand out factor" in recognition. I am reminded of both television and radio ads I had heard of in the past. They run continually with a catch phrase or musical jingle over and over again on the radio or television until you are absolutely sick of hearing it. You also cannot get it out of your head. Although this type of advertising is expensive, it can be very effective, and the recognition factor is quite high. Television and radio can reach a large audience, and they are broad in their appeal. In a brief sentence, you are paying to market to both those that are your potential customers and a large segment of those who are not now and probably never will be your customers.

There are more economical ways to pursue frequency, the point is to define your target market demographic, and invest your marketing funds into the locations that will best be seen by them.

Another factor to consider is "can I market myself in a place where I will stand out from my competition, or where my competition does not have a presence?" Why would you market yourself in a flyer or newspaper right beside your competition and risk blending into a crowd, and ultimately being ignored?

Another issue to look at is diversification. As the saying goes, "don't put all your eggs in one basket". When you look at your advertising budget for the year, try to find the affordable solutions that will continue to reap during the full year of your advertising budget. An expensive radio or television promotion may give short term gains for that weekend sale, but what about the rest of the year? Your clients may end up with the impression of where did they go, I haven't seen or heard anything about them for so long.

Don't always look for the old standbys in marketing, but keep your eyes and ears open for the latest and greatest ways to market your business. With the costs of technology coming down dramatically new options such as digital advertising on LCD and Plasma screens are becoming more and more affordable, and the paper billboards and posters becoming a thing of the past. With the flexibility, and curb appeal of full color and motion video footage with computer generated graphics available to you, this is an option you don't want to pass by without a good look.

Ultimately, recognition is required if you want to get people "in the door" of your business (or on your website for the new e-businesses). This is going to cost you money, time and effort up front any way that you look at it, but if you have successfully reached your target market, the payoffs will be worth it.
Author Bio
Submitted by: Chad McDonald of ETA, a Canadian dynamic signage business with a digital signage advertising network ( of LCD and Plasma screens.
Article Source: - Free Website Content


Ezine Marketing Crash Course

As an eZine publisher, not only can you easily achieve the benefits a conventional newsletter publisher enjoys without having to chop down several trees in the process, you can easily and conveniently spread your marketing influence and expertise to your base of subscribers from the shoes of an ordinary individual.  



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Ezine Advertising - Drive Traffic to Your Site

Ezine Advertising - Simple Techniques to Drive Traffic to Your Site

By: Dave Starner
The beauty of ezine advertising is that it?s the most targeted form of advertising on the internet. If, for example, someone has subscribed to an ezine about fishing, then they are expressing a strong interest in fishing equipment, tips on improving their skills, travel packages, and an endless list of other possibilities.

This is why ezines are such a good choice. As long as your ad relates closely to the theme of the ezine, the person reading your ad is already halfway toward buying what you have to offer.

There are three types of ads that you can place in your chosen ezine: a classified ad, a sponsor ad, and/or a solo ad.

The classified ad is the smallest and least expensive. This three to five line ad is often run in a block with other classified ads, one on top of another, similar to a page of classified ads in your local newspaper. This contains just a brief description with an email or link to your web site. This costs a few dollars, generally about half the cost of a sponsor ad.

A sponsor ad is placed at the top of the ezine, often under a heading like: "Please support our sponsor.? This ten to fifteen line ad will draw more attention since it is the first thing the reader sees when the email is opened. This is priced around twenty dollars.

The most effective, and naturally the most expensive, is the solo ad. This is not part of the ezine, but instead goes out as an email to everyone on the mailing list. The message is all about you and your product or service. This ad can be as long as 700 words, allowing you to go into great detail, and will cost in the neighborhood of forty to fifty dollars, about twice the cost of a sponsor ad. However, some of the larger ezines may ask for hundreds or even several thousand dollars for a solo ad.

Once you?ve written your ad and chosen an ezine, the best way to proceed is to think like an educator. The most effective teaching method is repetition. Experienced teachers will cover the same information in several different ways. They might lecture one day, followed by a reading assignment and discussion, and then an essay, all on the same topic.

Very few people learn something thoroughly the first time they see it. And few people respond to an ad the first time they see it. Since you are trying to educate and motivate your target audience, you want them to see your ad more than once.

This is best done by first running a solo ad, then running a sponsor ad in the next two or three issues of the same ezine. Finally, for the next five to seven issues run a classified ad. The readers will see your ad for many weeks and begin to understand the message and warm up to your offer. They need time to mull it over, compare products and prices, and decide if they really need it. Give them time, educate them, and they will buy.
Author Bio
Dave Starner is a former teacher and coach who markets ebooks and software. Visit the Internets #1 infoproduct site at and instantly download great ebooks and software on Internet advertising and hundreds of other topics.
Article Source: - Free Website Content


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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Finding Keywords - For Adwords Publishers

Finding Keywords - For Adwords Publishers

By: Andrew Hansen
If you advertise with adwords you have probably realised that with recent changes to their system, the crowd at google have made it very difficult to maintain a profitable adwords campaign. This applies to those promoting other peoples products or their own.

The way I used to create a keyword list for my campaigns was to use the adwords sandbox to enter a bunch of keywords that were relevant to my market and just add whatever words it spat out at me.

It took me a while but I realized eventually that this wasn't the best way to go about it. Many of my keywords would become inactive and the ones that remained were ranked 17.2 and not seeing a lot of action at all.

It annoyed me because as you probably know, on the adwords traffic estimate screen you always seem to get a number of clicks that excites you but when you actually put up the campaign the results you see are much different. Also I was always limited by the number of related keywords I could think up in my own head. I knew about the power of 'backdoor' keywords but couldn't think up enough of them up to create a profitable campaign!

The point it changed is when I found a piece of software that could I could use to see the bid results for large numbers of keywords at once so I could tell immediately which keywords were going to be the most profitable to use in my campaigns and which ones I shouldn't bother with.

Not only that but this same piece of software will actually find for me the backdoor keywords that are generally less competitive and super valuable for an adwords advertiser.

With this software I first find a market and a product I want to promote then find a website about this product... I then insert this URL into the software and it will scan all the words on the page and use certain technologies to tell me all other keywords related to that keyword that I would never have thought of!

The result? More keywords, more backdoor and hence more profitable keywords and a lower cost, potentially higher conversion ad campaign!

The software is called Brainstorm Generator and can be seen via the link in this biography box. I highly recommend it as it is a very powerful tool.
Author Bio
Andrew Hansen is the apprentice to an online marketing guru and has learnt in just a few months how to make a full time income from his online ventures. He endorses as the easiest way to find highly profitable niche markets and explode your online profits.
Article Source: - Free Website Content


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Ezine Advertising for Home Based Business

Ezine Advertising for Home Based Business

Have you ever considered ezine advertising for your home based business? If not, you're truly missing out on some valuable exposure to your business. Ezine advertising can be a powerful tool if you follow the right guidelines and you will be successful.

Always include quantifiable benefits when writing an ezine advertisement - and actually tell the truth. For instance, if you say "lose 5 pounds in 5 days," people will actually be interested in that and believe it is possible at the same time. Distorting the benefits wont help at all; it will make the advertisement look like a scam more than anything else.

When creating a solo advertisement, alter the copy so that it specifically portrays the product as a solution to a specific problem. Purchase several solo advertisements to test how well this version converts when compared to other versions. Testing is vital if you want to continually improve the conversion rate of your advertisements.

This is very vital for ezine advertising members to realize. Always look for word of mouth referrals for ezine before you place advertisements. In many cases, no matter how good your copy is, you will find that certain ezine simply will not be responsive to your email. This might be because the ezine isn't actually as big as the owner claims it is - and it might also be because the owner hasn't promoted the list in a year.

Think on a professional level. Make sure you format your ezine advertisement correctly before you send in to a publisher. In most cases, you will have to format your advertisement to 60 - 65 words; and you may even want to perform a spam check. If the text isn't formatted properly, lines will be broken and wrapped unprofessionally; and if you don't perform a spam check, it may never even go through in the first place.

When creating a top sponsor advertisement, avoid making an attempt to sell anyone on anything. Instead, give something away completely free that will up sell the reader later, such as a subscription or a special report. Additionally, make sure you clearly communicate that nothing is for sale - and that you simply want them to take action for free.

Become a software application provider for ezine owners. Ask ezine owners what software applications they need - and then hire someone to create an application for you. Distribute this software to all of the ezine owners who have a use for it. Make sure there is some back-end component build in that will drive users to your site.

Now, moving from our last point about ezine advertising we will now discuss when outsourcing any work you are doing as part of an ezine marketing campaign, remember to carefully check for plagiarism and theft. This is definitely an unpleasant thought, but plagiarism has become quite rampant on freelancing sites. If you own several websites, you can use Copyscape to do this for you; however, each site will be limited to 20 scans.

Author Bio

Simply knowing what you read in this article isn't enough. You have to put it into action to be successful. To learn how to do exactly that - and to learn more about Willie DeJarnette business,
PIF4PS, you will want to visit Willie DeJarnette's website at the following URL :
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 Ezine Success

How do I advertise?
What is the most effective form of advertising?
Why is my advertising so ineffective?
How can I advertise to double my profits?  



Ezine Ad Profits

Here's the simple truth: When you do develop an ad that pulls in responses, you want to continue milking it for everything it's worth, right? You want to publish that baby in as many different places as possible to maximize your profits. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  


Friday, 26 April 2013

Use Your Time And Dollars Wisely On Advertising!!

Use Your Time And Dollars Wisely On Advertising!!

As a business owner, every dollar you spend is a dollar right out of your pocket. This affects your profit margin and revenues. This can be especially difficult if it comes at a time when you're trying to grow your business. If you're going to succeed, you have to pay close attention to your bottom line and look for creative, innovative ways to cut costs while still getting what you need. Almost everyone is chasing search engine to increase traffic to their website.

In order to increase your online business traffic, it requires appropriate advertising to make the business popular. As your online business is overcrowded into the world wide web along with thousands of others selling the same product or service as yourself. Search engines have the potential to deliver a deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic to your website. There are 3 basic areas to consider for efficient use of your money when it comes to getting traffic to your website.
1. Use proper keywords to target to draw traffic back to your primary website.
2. Use Google's pay-per-click program matching with targeted keywords.
3. Use proper content on your website's homepage.

Pay-per-click programs are an excellent way to advertise your business without taking a risk that you have advertised in the wrong place. With pay-per-click, you can advertise you site and only pay for those who click the link and go to your site.You must spend adequate time and effort to research and generate a list of relevant and effective keywords. If you are promoting your own product you can always reinvest your earnings to continue your campaign and grow your income.

There is another option for drawing traffic to your website is based on the use of custom written articles and other targeted content. You can use your budget to have some unique articles written on your favorite key topics, but this can be very expensive and time consuming. Articles such as these can be submitted to article directories.

Imagine hundreds of new articles each month on a topic of your choice...articles that you can use just as if you had written them yourself! And of course PL content can be added directly to your own website or used in a variety of other ways for drawing traffic like post in forum, blogs, press release, etc.

Your goal should be to find a balanced mix of online and offline advertising. This will go a long way towards getting the greatest bang for your advertising buck! Be sure to explore your options and use your time and money wisely in the process.With a little creativity you will be maximizing your profits while minimizing your expenses.

Author Bio

Paras Shah Online Pixel Advertising - Web Design - Articles - Classifieds - Pixel Ads - Search Engine Optimization

Article Source: - Free Website Content


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Get Paid to Drive Your Car

Get Paid to Drive Your Car

What's the Deal?
It's quite simple. Big corporations are always looking for new ways to promote themselves. And the latest, most innovative way, is you. All you have to do is agree to place the logo or advertisement of a company on your car, and drive with it wherever you go. This new method of company promotion offers an immense benefit to the advertiser, and you profit from it. In some cases, the company will actually give you a new car with a logo already on it. And all you have to do is drive.

Does this actually work?
Yes. But be ready to wait a while before making any money - you will be at the mercy of your advertisers. On average, applications are accepted within 90 days of submission. But the wait might be well worth it in the end. Today there are literally millions of people who are benefiting from this new advertising strategy throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

What's the catch?
There are two things you have to realize before considering this money-making tactic. First, you must be willing to have the advertisement on your car wherever you go; you are not permitted to take it off until the advertising term ends. And secondly, you must agree to drive at least 1 000 miles per month. But most people do this anyway. It is also a plus to leave in or near a large urban center and to park in a public place as much as possible. The advertisers will collect this and other detailed information from you before working with you. Moreover, you will be responsible for insurance, maintenance, and paying for gas. You must also be at least 18 years of age, and have a good driving history.

Where do I start?
There are quite a few companies on the internet that offer this service. What they will do is take your name and submit it to a list of advertisers, or better yet, they will simply give you a list of the advertisers who are willing to offer you cash for driving. In the latter case, you can pick your favorite and contact them directly. In all it only take one sign up (usually about $30) and a few e-mails and you're done.

How much will I make?
Between $100 and $3000 every month. Of course very few people make $3000 per month. But it depends on the company, how far you drive, where you drive, and the type of ad that's placed on your car.

Where to Look:
The customer service here is excellent. And the directory offered is very thorough, which results in the highest chances of getting accepted, and being paid more. The information provided on the site is somewhat lacking, but you can always ask for more details to make sure you're getting what you pay for.

Another Website: features a tool to locate programs available in your area and is one of the more established "get-paid-to-drive" companies, but it is more expensive than the rest.

Still Looking: Google It
Search for: "get paid to drive your car" and browse through the results until you find one you like. There are many of these programs available, so feel free to take your time.

Author Bio
Make Money Driving Your Car
Article Source: - Free Website Content



Thursday, 25 April 2013

Business Intelligence - Accelerate Your Business Performance

Business Intelligence - Accelerate Your Business Performance

By: Ramakrishnan
Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of gathering information from the business. The gathered business information is transformed into knowledge using business intelligence. To run the business successfully one should have the comprehensive business knowledge and understanding of your business strengths and its weakness. In business intelligence will take into account the internal and external factors of a business. Business intelligence will ease the decision making process, helps in understanding the customer taste, market trends.

Business Intelligence Definition
The basic definition of Business intelligence is defined as "the process of gathering information about a business or industry matter; BI is a broad range of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data thereby that help to managers make business decisions."

Business Intelligence Includes What
Business intelligence (BI) includes software applications, technologies and analytical methodologies that perform data analysis. Business intelligence covers data mining, Web mining, text mining, reporting and querying, OLAP, and data visualization.

Knowledge Management Is Part of Business Intelligence
Knowledge management is one of the methods in Business intelligence. Knowledge management has been defined as "the technique and tools for capturing, storing, organizing, and making knowledge" Business intelligence is driven by an objective laid by the company. The duration of the objective may be short period or long period.

Business Intelligence Software
Identifying and understanding business opportunities in today's vast business environment requires far more than an understanding of technology trends. Business software helps the business management to access up-to-date and accurate information about the business performance. Identifying and understanding business opportunities in this vast business environment requires far more than an understanding of technology trends.

OLAP powerful BI Software
The most popular business intelligence tool is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing). OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is a powerful, Business Intelligence & enterprise reporting application for small and medium organizations with the capacity to fully Integrate Enterprise Information.

OLAPBrowser delivers incredible reporting power. Create global and enterprise information delivery systems, executive information Systems and personal analytical application.
Author Bio
Ramki is with Axsellit Technologies ( Business Software. Axsellit Software delivers professional, benefit-enriched business solutions with an unbeatable performance-to-price ratio. Axsellit Technologies provides Business Intelligence Software
Article Source: - Free Website Content


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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How to Talk to People

How to Talk to People

By: Ron LeBlanc
One of the greatest things about the current home based business industry is that people from all walks of life are having success with it. Isn't it nice that you don't have to go to medical school or get a Harvard MBA to be able to retire early and be financially free.
I am convinced that there would be lots more people involved if they only knew that it wasn't that hard to do. One of the biggest fears most no-sales and marketing people have is talking to people, and specifically selling. Go ahead and admit it - you don't have the skills that car salesmen have - well that's excellent! That type of thing doesn't work well in other industries and even car salesmen are becoming a thing of the past as the internet brokers and eBay grow in popularity.
Most home based businesses have a system in place for you. I can assure you that when people start these companies they don't neglect to think long and hard about how to make doing their business easier for people who get started. They have you in mind.
Always look for a company that has lots of training on how to talk to people and minimizes the amount of presenting that you have to do. Some have it so you bring a more experienced person with you. Some have online presentations and some have live conference call presentations.
Let's assume that you really don't need to do the selling - it's done for you by the company leadership. You will have to bring people into that system, so you will have to talk to people! Those companies that rely on a completely "automated" system have a hard time getting people to give money to a website, hoping it's not in Russia or Turkey.
So how do you talk to people? You've probably heard the numbers before that only about 5% of how you communicate is by the words you use. The other 95% is split between body language and tone. If you are not meeting someone in person, then tone is even more critical!
A better way to say tone would be energy or vibe. Have you ever talked to someone who sounded like they just got out of bed or their dog just got run over? I don't talk with people like that for long because unless I find out there was some reason for their low energy, I just don't want to pursue it.
You have to be in the right vibe as well. Your best bet is to have a relaxed confidence. No matter what is going on in your life, you must never sound needy. When they say that they work until 3AM and you bend over backwards and offer to call them when they come home, why would they want to work with you?
Your best bet is that of relaxed confidence. You know what your goals are and you know where you're going. If they want to get on board fine - if they don't - hey, you'll find lots of others. Verbally wrapping your arms around their leg as they try and walk away would be the opposite.
Even if you have no real results yet, you should at least be excited about the opportunity that you have your hands on and transmit that to people you talk to. That kind of vibe is picked up by people you meet and will go much further at making you attractive to people than a desperate one.
Author Bio
Ron LeBlanc, PE spent 20+ years in science and engineering when woke up to his true potential and began working from home. He lives in Boulder, CO and works out of his home. He enjoys helping other people learn to do home based businesses. Get his tip-filled newsletter and some special offers at
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If you approach your work at home job search as a spare time hobby, instead of handling it with professionalism like you would an in-house position or a regular full time job, it’s unlikely that you are going to be dedicated enough to stick to the process, much less be consistently successful with the positions that you accept.


Blog Your Way To The Top Of Your Home Business Organization

"How Any Business Builder Can Turn A Simple Blog Into A Lead Generating, Organization Cash Cow For Any Home Based Business! (an older product, but requested)"
Welcome to Blog Your Way To The Top Of Your Home Business Organization!  


10 Electrifying Ways To Explode Your Orders

10 Electrifying Ways To Explode Your Orders

By: Morris Clopton
1. Persuade visitors to link to your web site. Give them a freebie in exchange for them linking to your web site. It could be content, software, etc.
2. Link to web sites that provide useful information or services for your visitors. If you have many useful links on your site, they may make it their start page.
3. Spice-up your web site's wording using plenty of adjectives. It gives your visitors a clearer vision of what your explaining or describing to them.
4. Don't make your banner ads look like ads. Most people ignore banner ads. Design them to look like content and have them click to read the rest.
5. Join affiliate programs that go with the theme of your web site. You'll just be wasting valuable space and time if your visitors aren't interested in them.
6. Market your web site as a free club instead of a web site. This'll increase your repeat visitors and sales because people enjoy belonging to groups.
7. Interact with your online customers on a regular basis. This'll show them you care about them. You could use a chat room, forum or message system.
8. Check your web site links regularly. After people click on one link, and it doesn't work, they usually won't risk wasting their time clicking on another one.
9. Give visitors a positive experience when they're at your web site. Provide them with original content and free stuff. They'll tell all of their friends about it.
10. Share customers with other businesses that have the same target audience. Offer their product to your customers if, in exchange they do the same for you.

Author Bio
Morris Clopton can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours. To learn more, visit:
Article Source: - Free Website Content


How to Start a Home Based Answering Service


"No matter what your personal desire might be, you truly can have your own home business."

Do you enjoy talking on the phone? 



Work At Home Methods Unleashed

Let’s be real about it. Home business is the way the globe is going to go in the close future. Gone are the days when individuals knuckled down over their office desks. This is the age where the conception of career liberalization is truly going to gain ground. 




Internet Home Based Businesses

3 Internet Home Based Businesses Anyone Can Do

By: Kent Thompson
If you're serious about having a home based business, then you need to prepare. The leading reason for a failing home based business is the lack of preparation people commit after they've made a decision to start a home based business.
So what kind of home based business opportunity should you take on? Do you want to have an internet-based home business? Millions have done it, are doing it and are earning good livings doing so.
Here are three different kinds of Internet based business models you can try:
1) Be an online retailer for reputable companies. Your home based internet business can give reviews about all the products and services of these companies. Your customers will browse around your website, and then click on to the link. The link will send the customer to the company's customer service website, which takes care of processing and shipping their order.
Your home based online business website does the marketing, promoting and advertising aspects for these companies. Your commission comes from the proceeds of the sale. You don't even have to spend money for expensive e-commerce software.
2) You may not be able to bear the pain of separating from your oldest possessions, but how about auctioning these things off? For a minimal entry fee and closing fee, you can put your prized possessions on auction at Ebay or other spin-offs found on the net. This is a virtually free home based business since you don't pay for web presence. You'll get traffic since Ebay receives as many as 4 million visitors a day, and you won't need to worry about your e-commerce software. Plus your small home based internet business stays open even when you go fishing!
3) Sell information. You can start your home based internet business by writing on a subject that you enjoy or are knowledgeable about. If you can do this, then this small home based internet business is for you. Write your e-book and sell it on sites like,, or
These home based internet business are all simple and easy enough to do. You can earn a living on these ideas if you view this small home based business with passion and commitment.
Just remember this home based internet tip:
Constantly fine-tune your marketing strategy and always test new ad copies to see what brings you the most sales!

Author Bio
Find out how you can make $1000 per sale in one of the hottest home based businesses! Check out
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The Essential Step-By-Step Guide To Running A Successful Home Based Business Today

The Essential Step-By-Step Guide To Running A Successful Home Based Business Today

21st Century Home Business
Strategy Blueprint 



Setting Up Your Home-Based Internet Business

Too many people start home-based Internet businesses only to fail. Because it is so easy to set up an online business nowadays, many people rush into it without adequate preparation, and without any idea of the skills and habits that are needed to succeed. 




Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How to Create a High Conversion Squeeze Page for Building Your Opt-in List

How to Create a High Conversion Squeeze Page for Building Your Opt-in List

By: Bryan Doyle
Want to build a huge opt-in list to leverage your Internet marketing efforts but don't know where to start?
The effectiveness in which you build your list will depend on the landing page that receives your traffic. The most effective kind of web page you could promote that will build your list the fastest is a squeeze page.
A Squeeze page is not merely a web page that provides a capture form. A squeeze page's primary purpose is to capture the information of website visitors, mainly their name and email address.
The squeeze page is created to draw the focus and attention of the visitor to applying action to one thing, opt in to your list for more information. Once they are on your list you will have the ability to follow up with them on a later date and multiple times.
Some true squeeze pages have been known to have conversion rates of 30-60% and some even higher. The conversion rates mentioned here are the percentages of visitors that choose to opt-in to a mailing list by filling in the form fields available.
Now that we have clarified what a squeeze page is and its purpose, we can now go on to what factors are necessary for creating a high conversion squeeze page for building a list of subscribers.
The heading is the most important for it is the first contact point with your website's visitors. This is where you must captivate them with an attention grabbing headline which will compel them to continue reading your text. Your headline must be clear of what you are presenting and your copy must connect with your visitors on an emotional level.
Benefit driven words are needed in your heading because your prospect will want to know how they are going to benefit. In other words, they want to know, what's in it for them? Your Web site visitors will only continue to read on if they feel that you are offering something that can help them in some way or give them something they want.
The body text is also very important because this is where you compel your web site visitors to opt-in for more information. It is crucial to reveal to them how the product or service you offer can satisfy a need and desire such as help them loose weight, make more money or become more successful.
Your squeeze page is not going to be lengthy so you'll want to focus on the top three to five things your market is hungry for and present to them the answer or solution that will satisfy their hunger.
For your text, all you need is a small paragraph or a few bullets that will stimulate enough interest and desire for what you are offering them. If they feel they can benefit in any way they will want to know more information and will subscribe to your list to get it.
Some of the most successful capture pages are not long and wordy but are small enough that the whole web page can fit inside of the browser window. This has been more effective for many marketers for the purpose of capturing people's information quickly and effectively.
A squeeze page should limit the number of choices your prospective customer or subscriber can make. Not all capture pages need to do this but for the purpose of ensuring that your visitors first opt in, the squeeze page should stay close to the format mentioned above. This will give your potential subscribers two simple choices and reduce confusion and help prevent them from changing their mind.
One option that your visitor has is to opt-in and the other is to leave your website. If your copy is compelling and your message is clear, many of your visitors will choose to opt-in to your list instead of leaving your website.
One component of your site that can greatly effect your conversion rate is the words you have appear on your submit button. Instead of using the word submit or subscribe, you'll find your conversion rate will rise if you use an action phrase that will express how your visitors will benefit if they click on the button.
You want to compel your visitors to click on the submit button and using words like subscribe or submit can turn people off.
Use an action phrase that is written in their point of view to persuade them on a personal level such as "Send my Free report 'loose 30 pounds in 30 days!'" or "Free instant access now!" and so on. This is a valuable element to test and you will not want to overlook it. I would also suggest to observe what other marketers are using on their submit buttons to help you come up with your own ideas.
Now that you know how to create a high conversion squeeze page, make sure you implement these methods and do your own tests with fonts and colors used. That being said, make sure that basic web design principles are followed and that the web page is attractive to your eyes.
If you find your eyes are not following the text naturally or squint while reading, you may have to make some adjustments to your web page. Dark text on a light background is a good rule to start with without getting into too many details for the purpose of this article.
Most importantly, if you put to action the advice you received from this article, and actively promote your squeeze page, you will see an incredible increase in the number of opt-ins you receive to your list.
Author Bio
Bryan Doyle is an Internet Marketer and Publisher of AssociateWise - Online Marketing and Business Success Newsletter. To receive a wealth of valuable information including FREE powerful reports and ebooks for building a successful online business, visit his site here:
Article Source: - Free Website Content


Squeeze Page Guru - How To Assemble Cash Pulling Squeeze Pages!

"Learning About How To Be A Squeeze Page Guru Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success! How To Assemble Cash Pulling Squeeze Pages!"



Super Squeeze Page Pack Skyrocket

You must have heard of the term "the money is in the list" before. All the internet marketers say this repeatedly, and it is true. Money IS in the list, and one of the best ways to build a list is by using "squeeze pages"... 



How To Joint Venture With The Gurus

How To Joint Venture With The Gurus

By: Ash Trivedi
One of the best methods for getting the word out about your product and making a lot of sales in a short amount of time is with Joint Ventures.
These joint ventures or "JV's" can take-on many different forms. Some are as simple as promoting each other's newsletters, while others may be more complex partnerships with cross-promoting of complimentary products.
Joint Ventures are a powerful tool for expanding business in many areas. So, what is stopping 'you' from using this technique to expand your business?
For many new marketers, starting a JV can be a frightening task, especially when it comes to contacting other marketers.
Too often, many marketers appear to be "spamming," when they are really just seeking other JV partners. There is a correct way about finding joint venture partners and getting them to say yes to your proposal. Here's a few tips to get you started right away.
Don't use a template style letter and email all potential partners with that letter. Take the time to visit their site and make personal comments about it in your proposal. Let your future J.V. partner know that you have taken the time to contact him/her personally.
There are joint venture networks out there that can save you a lot of time emailing and not get you accused of spam. You could visit sites like J.V and (that site requires an invite, so I've given you one in that link)
So now you've got access to a massive network of heavy hitters and guru marketers. What you need to do is write the best proposal possible and really over deliver for your partners. This will make your proposal stand out over everyone else's. Here's a few tips you can use;
If you have a product or service, let your J.V. partners have it for free. Let them know that as J.V. partners they can have your product for a free review. Without offering them a free review you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who is willing to endorse a product to their list which may have taken them years to build a relationship with.
Just by giving your product away for free to a couple of people you open up the gates for thousands of potential customers.
If you have an affiliate program in place, offer your potential partners a higher commission rate rather than simply paying the standard affiliate rate. Make them feel special.
Lastly, don't give up. If you can't for whatever reason join a joint venture network and you have to go emailing future partners one by one, this can get very tiring. Especially when all you may keep hearing is "no" or you get no reply at all. Well, just remember that you may have heard 100 "no's", but it only takes one "yes" from a heavy hitter to sky rocket your profits. Be patient and it will happen.

Author Bio
Ash Trivedi is an online marketer who's created partnerships with multi-national companies and small businesses alike. Visit for an opportunity to J.V. with the gurus guru Mike G. as a gift from Ash.
Article Source: - Free Website Content


JOINT VENTURES - JOINT VENTURES MADE EASY - The Simple Formula for Creating and Maintaining Profit

A joint venture can afford your business to grow in ways that you
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Monday, 22 April 2013

Getting Your Web Presence And Reaching The Global Market

Getting Your Web Presence And Reaching The Global Market

By: Benny Alexander
Advertising with your own web site:

If you are serious about web marketing the first think you can do in the web is an advertisement, which would be really cost effective. If you want to put your advertisements then banner advertisement is a good choice. But from the banner advertisement now you need to give a hyper link to your web site where you tell about your business. Developing and operating a Web site can cost less than you think and the possibilities are very high. From a complete market research to product selling, from customer services to business promotions and purchases, having your own Web site establishes a dynamic presence for your organization. Moreover you can tell the detailed visual description about your products and services with full text, images, video and animations.

Finding targeted Audience:

There are millions of Internet users, searching on the web for something. Among them you need to find your potential visitors. So the site should be very focused on your customers and not all the casual surfers. If you are focusing only on customers from Europe means you need to put maximum information about your operations on Europe. If you are selling Hydraulic drilling machines means you can give many resources regarding drilling machines. This resources can help you to target your audiences through search engines.

Functionality of a web page:

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to construct the web pages and control the web browser. HTML is a set of Tags that can define a document to display. We can display text, graphics, video etc., in a web page through HTML tags. Along with HTML we can use JavaScripts, CGI,ASP and other programming techniques to build interactivity in a web page.(Forms, Guest Books etc.,).

A Web page can contain Hyper Links(Clickable links to other HTML pages).We can navigate from one page to another or from one web site to another. A web site is a collection of web pages Linked between them and with other web sites.

Content of a web site:

Any Details about your business, products and services should target the international audience. As there is no space and location limitation for web pages, you can thrive varieties of customers with your focused content. You can give technical support and customer service. You can add Interactive forms, guest books, purchase inquiries and Web-based Emails. Moreover you can collect information from the users and save it in a database for future retrieval. To build good text you can approach professional technical writers who can help you in building your site content.

Building or Outsourcing:

You can design a simple web site with some graphics easily. But if you want to build interactive and professional web sites you need to know some internet technologies and tools. If you have good design ideas and time then you can learn some tools like Adobe photoshop and Macromedia Fireworks and Flash you can come up with a professional design. Moreover if you have knowledge in developing databases with MS-Access or MS SQL server you can design your own back-end databases to collect data from your web site. If you are strong in programming, with PHP, ASP, CGI or Java technologies you can build dynamic and complex web sites with back-end database functionality.(E.g.. Site with content management functionality).

Otherwise, If you need professional web site that is going to help you to build your company's Image globally then you need to approach a Professional web developer and outsource it. A professional developer understands how to design a Web site that will most effectively present you, your business or organization, and your products and services. A professionally designed and implemented Web site is worth what you pay for it if you are serious about attracting business with your Web site.

The prices:

Before considering your web page you need to remember one thing, you are getting your global presence and global market with your web site. But fortunately you can achieve this with a very low pricing's. You can go for a package deal or a customized development. You can compare various prices from the professional developers sites and you can pick one as per your wish. Since location is not a consideration in web development you can outsource to developers from other countries and outsource the work to them. Countries like India, Philippines, Israel etc., can do a cost effective job.

The first step:

The first thing to do is to give some thought in advance to what you want your Web site to accomplish then generate some ideas by looking into your competitors web sites. The point of this exercise is to realistically assess and prioritize the goals of placing your organization online. Here are a few questions you may want to answer yourself:

Is it your intention to:

  • Provide comprehensive information about your product or service?
  • Directly sell products from your site?
  • Reach new markets or clientele?
  • Provide online "customer support" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
  • Do market research by gathering visitor feedback?
  • Give employees internal information?
  • Post job opportunities?
  • All of the above?
Once you have an idea of what you want, then you can hire a developer to make your dream into reality.

Web site maintenance:

You may either outsource the job to someone and they will make changes for you on an as needed basis, or you may make those changes yourself if you have the necessary equipment and expertise. Professional web service firms are able to install web-based administration features that will allow you to make changes to certain areas of your site from your browser. Some typical areas include news releases, articles, FAQ's, and more. Read our maintenance services and learn how we do maintenance.

Improving things:

If you need help in improving your web presence we can give you our hands, We specialize in makeovers -- taking an existing Web site and transforming it into a productive, attractive and profitable business tool. We can also provide a professional Web site evaluation and make suggestions for improvement.

For more details Author Bio
Benny Alexander is the Director of Macronimous web solutions, an India based offshore web development company providing web, PDA and Mobile solutions. More information about the author and his business can be found at
Article Source: - Free Website Content


Avoid the Big Internet Marketing Mistakes

"Increase Traffic To Your Website. Ensure A Global Market For Your Product Or Service. Make Your Idea, Product Or Service A Household Name. Enhance Awareness About Your Brand. Unleash The Marketing Potential Offered By The World Wide Web." 



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Right Now Discover how YOU can easily create the life you desire on the Internet in less then 1 year. But how will you do that? Will you continue to do what you have always done before, always getting the same results? Or will you do something different? Now YOU can create your own successful Internet business and set it up for profit on the net, and we will show you how!!  



So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?

So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?

By: Daniel Wandell
Everyone wants to make $300 a day or more with their AdWords campaigns. You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're wondering - "where's the payoff!"

There's no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, it's hours of keyword work.

Extensive Keyword Research

There are literally thousands of keywords for every industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords you will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks at a cheaper rate.

Consider this:

Campaign A: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $1. These keywords get 6000 searches a day. Your campaign is getting a 2% CTR which means your getting $120 clicks at a total cost of $120.

Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is .10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again using a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $120 as in Campaign A, you are only paying $12.

Obviously, Campaign B is the better performing campaign. Campaign B is saving $108 a day, $3,600 a month and $43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is staggering.

Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the keywords. Campaign A had a few popular keywords. Campaign B contained 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, translating to a cheap CPC for you.

How To Find Keywords For Your PPC Campaigns

Now you know the importance of doing extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you come up with a long list of targetted keywords. Here's how:

The simplest and easiest method to come up with good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yeah, that'll get me 50 words" you say." Still need more keywords? Try these tools;

1. Google Keyword Generator (
2. WordTracker (
3. Overture Search Suggestion Tool (
4. Keyword Wrapper (
5. MyTrashMail Keyword Generator (

Happy keyword hunting. You can never have too many keywords. Just remember with each keyword you are increasing your ROI. And istn't that what it's all about?

You can discuss this article in the ReveNow! Forums (

Author Bio
Daniel Wandell has over 10 years of internet marketing experience. Wandell covers AdWords and PPC Advertising for
Article Source: - Free Website Content


Free Google Adwords 101 Report, Grab It Here:


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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash

By: Paul Matthews
Your website looks great: solid words, easy navigation, graphics just so, and maybe even a bit of flash with some multimedia.

But customers are not buying.

You wonder if it's the writing. How can that be? You remembered the two key mantras for website content - "write for the search engines" and "write for the medium." You used appropriate keywords to help search engines find you and traffic is up. Surely, customers enjoy reading your content because you laid it out with the internet in mind using short sentences, brief paragraphs, and bullets to list your key points. Customers might be reading, but they still are not buying.

Chances are your site copy has been optimized for technology not people.

Even on the internet, selling is still about connecting to people. So how do you press the flesh across broadband? Start where brick and mortar relationships do - trust. Why not become the trusted provider in your marketspace? You can use words to raise your credibility in at least 25 different ways.

Here are two of them:

1) write the way customers speak and
2) replace your pitch with a theme.

People instinctively trust strangers who speak like them. If you find this article useful, how would you tell someone? Are you really going to say, "I read an unusually amazing article that fundamentally increased my sagging sales"? Not likely. Weak copywriters, not people, use too many modifiers. "Amazing," "fundamentally," and "sagging" weaken trust. How's your site for modifiers?

Give it the finger test.

You might not want fingerprints on your screen, so I suggest printing a copy of your homepage content. Now, put your baby finger on the first modifier you can find. Put your ring finger on the next adjective or adverb. Repeat until you run out of modifiers or fingers. If your page is a handful, you've got too many modifiers and your copy is hype heavy, not trustworthy. In addition to giving readers copy that matches how they speak, it helps to give them time to get to know you.

Customers need time before they trust.

They will get used to your site in tiny steps, so hold off selling; buy some time. Have a theme for your site, introducing your offer only after your customer feels comfortable. Themes are a subtle form of repetition because they continually reinforce a single concept. Repeated exposure to an idea usually makes it familiar and safe. Remember the first time you used instant messaging or the family car - not so scary now.

Let's say your site is selling dental floss.

Instead of listing the benefits of DentaThread, you could tie the presentation together under the central idea "Some people have nothing to smile about." The opening section could point out how the discomfort of gingivitis wipes the grin off a person's face. Another segment would show how ugly cavities make someone too self- conscious to smile. Yet another piece would reveal how the high cost of root canal causes an individual to frown. In this way, three versions of one idea help the site grow on the visitor: one idea, three versions. Does your homepage have a theme? How many chances does your site give visitors to get comfortable with you?

In this article, I tried to use the language of my readers and hang it on a central idea, trust. Did it work? Did it help? If yes, I guess I proved my point. If no, I have 23 more ideas to go.
Author Bio
Paul Matthews is The Rezon8or specializing in high resonance copy that sells... all click, no slick. For a FREE site copy analysis and a chance to win a FREE homepage makeover go to
Article Source: - Free Website Content


A Brief Guide to Starting a Home-based Business

When someone decides they want to begin a business, the first thing they ask themselves is, ‘where do I go to find out the information I need?’ This ebook is a brief guide to help them overcome the first obstacles and place them on the road to becoming a success, 



Home Based Business Advice To Help You Start Your Own Business!

Through this Book for useful advice on starting your own business at home; and for an examination of the legitimacy of certain home-based businesses. Read it today! 



Launch your Home-Based retail business through the roof!

Launch your Home-Based retail business through the roof!

By: Donald Lee
You had a great idea when you decided to open a home-based Internet retail business. You became a "power seller," as people in the online retail business world call you. Your goal is to move tons of merchandise through Web auction sites and classifieds services without ever leaving the comfort of your home office. Drop shipping gives you the opportunity to accomplish your dreams and more. The sky is the limit if you know how to get your business off the ground.

Drop shipping can launch your business into successful orbit, but it isn't rocket science. With this unique way of doing business, you enlist the services of a wholesale merchandise company. The wholesale company takes care of the stockpiling and storing of your product. It even covers the shipping and handling charges when one of your customers orders an item.

This means you don't have to rent thousands of square feet to warehouse your inventory, and you're free from the liability that comes with direct delivery to your customers. Your only expenses are the membership fee of your particular wholesaler, along with the fees and percentages you lose to advertising and auctioning online. If you play your cards right with these fees, you can build yourself a very cost-effective-and most importantly, profitable-home-based business.

Experienced online retailers have learned the tricks of the trade to do just that. Here are the key secrets that they, your competitors, don't want you to know. These three tips will stack the deck in your favor, helping you to grow your clientele while avoiding the pitfalls of doing ecommerce.

Get sold on your wholesaler. Nowadays, wholesalers are a dime a dozen, so don't settle on the first one that comes your way. Let wholesalers compete for your business, instead of the other way around. Many companies may offer specials to new prospective retailers. They may waive the minimum order requirements, credit check, and prepayments if you sign up with them. Top-notch wholesalers could also offer international delivery or special net payment options. Avoid high expenses at the get-go by taking advantage of such specials, and turn a profit a lot quicker.

Sniff out whole-scammers. For every honest wholesaler looking to build a successful relationship with you, there's a crook out there looking to do nothing but build his bank account at your expense. Avoid any wholesaler, for instance, who demands you pay an advance fee before you sign up with them. Be wary of wholesalers who claim to have thousands of items in their selection. These might not be wholesalers at all, but middlemen who are trying to bluff you. Instead of actually stocking these thousands of products, they actually buy them from a wholesaler, or another middleman, and resell them to you at a jacked up price, thereby cutting into your profits.

Get wired to the Web wisely. You now have a trusted Wholesaler and outstanding products to move, but so do thousands of other Internet retailers. How can you stand out to attract customers and save money doing so? One way to make a mark online is to design and write your own ads for your products. Many wholesalers provide complimentary stock product photos and descriptions that you can use in your online ads and classifieds. Then again, they provide the same thing to all their retailers. Most retailers use them. So you shouldn't.

Another effective way to sell on the Web is to find new and innovative sites to sell on. The main auction sites are often crowded with retailers who are eager to undercut your prices. Plus, these auctioning sites tend to have high fees and shorter listing durations. Avoid competition and high prices by trying the next generation of premiere selling sites, such as free online classified sites.

Free online classifieds services work as powerful avenues to sell your goods. They offer attractive features your business needs to take off, such as:
  • No sign-up, registration, or transaction fees.
  • Free listing (text description and image upload).
  • Up to 60-day ad listing. This listing duration is light years longer than most other sites and renewals are free as well.
  • Distance calculator. This function comes in handy if you're concerned with locality.
These free online classified sites can be the ace up your sleeve, whether you're just launching your home-based Internet retail operation or trying to shoot for the stars with an established business. Strap yourself into your chair and count down to ignition.
Author Bio
Donald Lee is the public relations manager for Buysellcommunity provides free classified listing services. Buy, Sell and trade: auto, computers, household items, real estate, pets and much more. For global and localized classifieds, please visit - Free Buy & Sell Classifieds
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Profitable Startups - Helping you Build a Profitable Home Based Business! + Bonus

Regardless how dedicated you are to your job, how hard you work or even how long you've been there, it can all be swept right from under you without warning.

But there is a solution to the fear of being out of work and out of money, and there has never been a better time to explore the opportunities that are right in front of you than right now!


Forex Trading Gives Your Home Based Business A New Lease On Life

Revealing A New Wing Of Home Based Internet Business! Earning Money Online Was Never This Easy!

Forex Trading Gives Your Home Based
Business A New Lease of Life  
